Sunday, 4 March 2007

Mini Concert

Attended Timothy's school gathering for the CNY and they had a mini concert for the parents. Timothy insisted he wanted to wear his shark costume. Mummy was quite reluctant cos it was a hot day. But alas, gave in la as usual. ( he has mummy in his lil finger) He was perspiring like a wet shark. hehe

They were singing "Rasa Sayang" in group and for his class presentation, one of an up beat song "Dhoom Macha Le". (by Tata Young) Timothy was shaking his bum bum, singing along with the song and did all the cutie moves. Mummy was moving to the beat also. Don't pray pray!! Too bad Daddy missed out all the fun. :(

Everybody called him Sharky Boy and he walked tall and so full of confidence.

"Mummy, I want to frighten my friends and show off my sharp teeth" he said. Hahaha

With his best pals. On his left, Zachary and right, Khai Peng.

We had FUN and I met a few more of Timothy's friends mother.


SUZANNE said...

So so so cute :)

Anonymous said...

Timmy is really cute. I didnt know he could draw so well. An artist in the making. You must be very proud of him Estee. Well done, will catch up when I am back in KL. Keep up the blog, very interesting to read.