Sunday, 29 April 2007

Sleep Tight, my baby!!!

Couple of months ago, my (almost) 5 years old started sleeping on his own. As much as I love Timothy to still sleep with daddy & mummy but part of me thinks it's about time. He is getting bigger by the day occuppying most of our king size bed. So much so, daddy was forced to sleep on the floor cos Timothy is such a bad sleeper.

Initially, mummy wasn't used to it. Need to hug my lil boy to sleep every nite, hence it is for the best. Mummy needs to slowly let go. :(

Timothy is off to bed by 8 - 8.30pm on schools day except weekends and holidays. The first few nights, he came walking back to our room and squeezed in between us. Daddy has to carry him back to his room many times.

Then after he knew he can't pull that off anymore, he started yelling for us. Exactly about a week later, he slept through the nite. He understands the concept of his baby monitor placed next to his bed now. He knows mummy & daddy can hear him if he calls for us.

Thus, he is so proud to tell all his friends he has been sleeping on his own as well. He announced to everybody he is no longer a baby. hehehe

And as for me, I'm just being a typical proud mommy. Hmmmmm..... My boy is growing up so quickly. *sigh*

My darling boy. Sleeping by himself.

Drinking milk before falling asleep.


LA My Home said...

ooh i think i will miss that too. i love sleeping with my boy on our bed. but tonite, we placed him sleeping on his own crib, next to my bed. hopefully he will sleep through the night on it.

Estee Soo said...

Good luck!!! Hope it went well. ;)

LA My Home said...

only half way thru the night, he cried, i gave him water but still not stop crying ... so carried him back to my side of the bed and we slept together again.