Monday, 9 July 2007


My lil Transformer. Optimus Prime.

Watched the movie with daddy and Timothy in Gold Class, GSC 1 Utama last week. Only a word to comment about the movie. AWESOME!!!! *Thumbs up* I came out from the cinema feeling like an autobot. hahaha!! *Walking with stomping sound with my boy*

Timothy's favourite no doubt is Optimus Prime. As for me, I adore Bumblebee (I even like the name) and Daddy likes Megatron & also Mikaela the sexy heroin la. Man!!!

Optimus Prime. The leader of the Autobots.


Unknown said...

Yeah ...a fantastic movie!!! Fully agreeable by yr niece, nephew, bro-in-law and I as we walked out from the cinema last Saturday !!! You know wat, yr nephew, my son, thru out the show, briefing me who was who and what was what till I got to tell him to shut up !!! During the show, he even asked me whether he could take back Nicholas's collection which was given to him and recently handed over to Eugene !! Sigh ...

Estee Soo said...

Sis: Yes. With the movie out, the toy is worth a lot of $$$. He can check it out in ebay.

wHOisBaBy said...

my hubby wants to watch but not yet get the chance. he is a transformer fan. he'll be watching the movie by himself. i love to go with him but brandon sure cannot stay for the whole movie, heard is 2.5 hours long.

Estee Soo said...

Anna: Ya. I read abt it in his blog. Actually I dont mind watching it again cos it is really good. It didnt felt like 2.5 hours show as the whole movie is so 'kan cheong.'