Timothy made a tie, out of a cardboard paper with blue ribbon around it from the help of his dedicated teacher. The first thing when daddy woke up, he gave it to him and insisted he put it on. hahaha
My boy's handwritting is so cute. *wink*
Daddy with his new tie!! Nice???!!! Hahahahaha. Mummy could not stop laughing while snapping this shot. They were so funny and sweet too. Awwwww!!
We just spend extra quality time together on this special day!!! *smile*
happy belated father's day to your hubby!
so nice timothy handmade a special gift for his daddy. his writing is good. i know some older kids here can't as good as timothy.
Happy father's day Estee's hubby! ;)
Suzanne :)
Anna: Thks. As u will also know very soon, the special gift to receive from a child is their out most genuine gift they made their own. So tremendously sweet!!!
Suzanne: Thks dearie on behalf of hubby. *wink*
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