Monday, 18 June 2007

An Afternoon With SPD

The SPD Superheroes were in town last week. They had a special appearance at the Toy R Us and of course Timothy did not missed out the fun. He was indicisived to which costume to don on as he has 2, red & blue. At the end, he decided on the red.

Timothy was all geared up with all his gadgets, boots and mask. Fully equip!! So 'keng' !! He was instead the main attention when the superheroes appeared. Stealing the lime light from the SPD rangers for sure. He was asked to be photographed by so many people and he was game with it. Strucked his full 'action' pose as though he was also a SPD ranger. So cute!!!

Here are the pics :-

My lil red SPD, SPD Red, SPD Blue, SPD Green & Timothy's friend, Lucas who came along with us.

My boy and SPD Red, Jack. (How I know their names???? Hahaha. I watched too much SPD show together with my boy. Can't help it cos it is always playing on his room TV.)

Timothy had so much fun till he did not want to leave. He was so sad when the superheroes had to go. My boy sadly told me "Ohhh mummy, how I wish the SPD can come home with us and play with me the whole day and everyday." Hahahaha.

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