A lot of people think that Peter Pan is a story for kids. True, but the stage version was quite an epic version of the story and one that adults love as well. It appeals to both children and adults. A spectacular cast and production. The stunning flying effects were amazing!
Since it's a musical for kids so it was always entertaining. Never a dull moment and Timothy was thrilled when he saw Peter Pan flying. Captain Hook was also one of his favourite character.
The best part was when Peter Pan came flying above us and sprinkled colourful sparkling fairy dust. For the finale, the whole auditorium were covered with bubbles. Magnificient!! Timothy was so impressed.
In the midst of the musical:-
Mummy: "He can't fly. There are 2 tiny thin ropes hanging on his back. Look carefully." *pointing*
Timothy: *pause and looking hard* "YA......I CAN SEE...I CAN SEE! THERE...THERE! HE IS JUST PRETENDING TO FLY." *shouting and gigling excitedly*
Mummy: "Shhh...shhhhhhh. Not so loud, darling." *embarass* *eyes roll up*
My five year old truly amazes me sometimes. hahaha.
Thanks to a friend of mine who made this musical possible for this photo opportunity with the character Peter Pan, Ryutaro Yanagita.
MaMa with her grandchildren. (L-R) Eugene, Timothy & Ai-Lyn.
Timothy in his Indonesian 'batik'.
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