Yes, extra mandarin lesson for my lil boy who literally pronounce any words in chinese like a "kuai low".
Every twice a week, mandarin teacher (Miss Tiew) will come to the house and give a one to one lesson for Timothy for an hour. He seem to be doing fine so far with the whole arrangement. I hope he'll be able to converse in mandarin fluently in future. *wink*
I walked into his room and *click click* a couple of picture of him.
Timothy: "MUMMY!! Why take picture of me???" *angry face*
Mummy: "So I can show daddy." *lied* (actually wanna post on the blog la)
Timothy: "Don't disturb me OK!!! I am BUSY laaaaaa."
Mummy: *walk out embarrass*
Doing his workbook.
I also want to learn Mandarin. Can Aunty Wendy join Timothy as well ? He, he, he ....
Wendy: Can....can. hehehe.
Eh can teach me ah. I'm hopeless with mandarin..
when u have a blogger mommy, no matter what you do, you need to smile...cos they'll be snapping snapping and snapping pics!
aiya you really know how to disturb yr son...padan brother too - he doesn't like being disturbed..sigh.. little boys..
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